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collapse Document Types : Attendees ‎(1)
NTP - Team C Construction.pdf
3/3/2020 6:30 PMAnderson Ivory
collapse Document Types : Bid Documents ‎(3)
Ad for Bid L M CZ20-0128-24 Innovation JUF Carver Port Demo (003).pdf
1/8/2020 10:33 AMAnderson Ivory
Final Bid Tab_Innovation,Carver.pdf
1/8/2020 10:35 AMAnderson Ivory
PSA LOA, subs.pdf
1/8/2020 10:33 AMAnderson Ivory
collapse Document Types : Letters of Assent ‎(7)
Letter of Assent - EuroWorks.pdf
2/5/2020 5:15 PMAnderson Ivory
Letter of Assent - ProVet.pdf
2/5/2020 5:16 PMAnderson Ivory
Letter of Assent - Sign Pro.pdf
2/5/2020 5:16 PMAnderson Ivory
Letter of Assent for ABC resources.pdf
2/19/2020 4:00 PMAnderson Ivory
Letter of Assent for Ferreira.pdf
2/18/2020 4:05 PMAnderson Ivory
Letter Of Assent for Golden Triangle.pdf
2/19/2020 10:23 AMAnderson Ivory
Letter of Assent for Premier West.pdf
2/18/2020 4:06 PMAnderson Ivory
collapse Document Types : LOA and Sub Pre-Job Form ‎(1)
LOA and Sub Pre Job for Ace Electric.pdf
2/10/2020 3:04 PMEthridge Todd
collapse Document Types : Pre - Job Conference Meeting Announcement Letters ‎(1)
Pre Job Conference Announcement Letter to BT.pdf
2/13/2020 3:02 PMAnderson Ivory
collapse Document Types : Pre - Job Conference Meeting Announcement Letters ‎(1)
Pre Job Conference Announcement Letter to Team C Construction.pdf
2/13/2020 3:04 PMAnderson Ivory
collapse Document Types : Pre-Job Form ‎(3)
Pre Job Conference form.pdf
2/4/2020 3:37 PMAnderson Ivory
PSA Innovation Revised Pre Job form.pdf
2/5/2020 5:13 PMAnderson Ivory
REVISED Pre Job Conference form.pdf
2/19/2020 4:00 PMAnderson Ivory
collapse Document Types : Pre-Job Sign-in Sheet ‎(1)
Sign In Sheets 02.20.20.pdf
2/20/2020 2:32 PMAnderson Ivory
collapse Document Types : Subcontractor Pre-Job Form ‎(10)
Prejob Conference form - EuroWorks.docx
2/5/2020 5:17 PMAnderson Ivory
Prejob Conference Form - Ferreira.docx
2/5/2020 5:17 PMAnderson Ivory
Prejob Conference Form - ProVet  Revised.pdf
2/11/2020 5:29 PMAnderson Ivory
Prejob Conference Form - ProVet.pdf
2/5/2020 5:18 PMAnderson Ivory
Prejob Conference Form - Sign Pro.docx
2/5/2020 5:18 PMAnderson Ivory
Prejob Conference Form for ABC resources.pdf
2/19/2020 4:01 PMAnderson Ivory
Prejob Conference Form for Ferreira.docx
2/18/2020 4:08 PMAnderson Ivory
Prejob Conference Form for Goldne Triangle.pdf
2/19/2020 10:24 AMAnderson Ivory
Prejob Conference Form for Premier West.pdf
2/18/2020 4:08 PMAnderson Ivory
Sub Pre Job for Team C.pdf
2/20/2020 2:31 PMAnderson Ivory