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MorseDaley MichaelMorse Field 002.jpg
Morse Field 002
768 x 459144 KB FS001A.1FS001A_CONST201/11/2024 9:53 AM
Morse Track & Field Before ImprovementsWebb BrianMorse field before.jpg
Morse field before
228 x 12219 KB FS001A.1FS001A_CONST206/7/2017 2:29 PM
Morse CTE Auto Shop ConstructionRega ReginaMorse CTE Auto 002.JPG
Morse CTE Auto 002
448 x 33543 KB CTE006.1CTE006_CONST5/7/2018 10:09 AM
CTE Auto Shop ImprovementsRega ReginaMorse CTE Auto 001.JPG
Morse CTE Auto 001
448 x 33549 KB CTE006.1CTE006_CONST5/7/2018 10:09 AM
Morse CTE Auto Shop ConstructionRega ReginaMorse CTE Auto 003.JPG
Morse CTE Auto 003
448 x 33534 KB CTE006.1CTE006_CONST5/7/2018 10:09 AM
Construction Site at Morse HS for Culinary BuildingWebb BrianMorse CTE Culinary 002.jpg
Morse CTE Culinary 002
640 x 47984 KB CTE007.1CTE007_CONST6/7/2017 2:29 PM
Morse Artificial Turf FieldWebb BrianMorse Field 001.jpg
Morse Field 001
640 x 47959 KB FS001A.1FS001A_CONST206/7/2017 2:29 PM
Morse Track and Field 2007Webb BrianMORSE FIELD BEFORE 1 copy.jpg
2348 x 1188385 KB FS001A.1FS001A_CONST206/7/2017 2:29 PM
Morse Field Before ImprovementsWebb BrianMORSE FIELD BEFORE 2 copy.jpg
649 x 47389 KB FS001A.1FS001A_CONST206/7/2017 2:29 PM
Morse Track Before ImprovementsWebb BrianMORSE TRACK BEFORE copy.jpg
801 x 47356 KB FS001A.1FS001A_CONST206/7/2017 2:29 PM
Point Loma New Classroom BuildingWebb BrianPT Loma Classroom 002.jpg
PT Loma Classroom 002
640 x 47975 KB FS012.1FS012_CONST6/7/2017 2:29 PM
Point Loma New Classroom BuildingWebb BrianPT Loma Classroom 003.jpg
PT Loma Classroom 003
640 x 47972 KB FS012.1FS012_CONST6/7/2017 2:29 PM
San Diego High School New Track and FieldWebb BrianSan Diego HS 001.jpg
San Diego HS 001
640 x 47971 KB FS011.1FS011_CONST106/7/2017 2:29 PM
Hoover High School, New Classroom BuildingWebb BrianHoover Classroom 001.jpg
Hoover Classroom 001
640 x 47963 KB FS013.1FS013_CONSTJulio Ramos6/7/2017 2:29 PM
Mira Mesa High School New Track & FieldWebb BrianMira Mesa HS Track 001.jpg
Mira Mesa HS Track 001
640 x 47967 KB 0349A.10349A_CONST306/7/2017 2:29 PM
Mira Mesa High School New Track & FieldWebb BrianMira Mesa Field  001.jpg
Mira Mesa Field 001
640 x 47970 KB 0349A.10349A_CONST306/7/2017 2:29 PM
Mira Mesa High School New Track & FieldWebb BrianMira Mesa HS Scoreboard 001.jpg
Mira Mesa HS Scoreboard 001
640 x 47977 KB 0349A.10349A_CONST306/8/2017 8:09 AM
Mira Mesa High School New Track & FieldWebb BrianMira Mesa Field 002.jpg
Mira Mesa Field 002
640 x 47964 KB 0349A.10349A_CONST306/7/2017 2:29 PM
Innovation MS Landscpae Schematic PlanStanford GaryInnovation Final Concept 2-9-10_Shaded.jpg
Innovation Final Concept 2-9-10_Shaded
640 x 43672 KB 91880001_CONST6/21/2011 2:50 PM
Fulton Food Service Modernization Schematic PlanStanford GaryFulton FS Modernization Scheme_Page_1.jpg
Fulton FS Modernization Scheme_Page_1
640 x 41434 KB FPC119_CONST1010/5/2010 11:19 AM
FULTON FOOD SERVICE MODERNIZATION SCHEMATIC PLANStanford GaryFulton FS Modernization Scheme_Page_2.jpg
Fulton FS Modernization Scheme_Page_2
640 x 41723 KB FPC119_CONST1010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Fulton Food Service Modernization Schematic PlanStanford GaryFulton FS Modernization Scheme_Page_3.jpg
Fulton FS Modernization Scheme_Page_3
640 x 41438 KB FPC119_CONST1010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Fulton Food Service Modernization Shematic ElevationsStanford GaryFulton FS Modernization Scheme_Page_4.jpg
Fulton FS Modernization Scheme_Page_4
640 x 41437 KB FPC119_CONST1010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Knox Schematic ElevationsWebb BrianKnox New Plan 005.jpg
Knox New Plan 005
640 x 47471 KB FS016.1FS016_CONSTDave Koepcke6/7/2017 2:29 PM
Knox Portable Classrooms To Be Replaced with New ConstructionWebb BrianKnox Portable Campus 002.jpg
Knox Portable Campus 002
462 x 35032 KB FS016.1FS016_CONSTDave Koepcke6/7/2017 2:29 PM
Knox Staff Restroom- To be Replaced with New ConstructionWebb BrianKnox Portable Campus 004.jpg
Knox Portable Campus 004
513 x 32530 KB FS016.1FS016_CONSTDave Koepcke6/7/2017 2:29 PM
I-Middle School Area to Be ImprovedStanford GaryI-Middle-Site 003.jpg
I-Middle-Site 003
640 x 47962 KB FPCSMALL_FPC2972/7/2011 1:04 PM
Stanford GaryI-Middle-Site 005.jpg
I-Middle-Site 005
640 x 47947 KB FPCSMALL_FPC2972/7/2011 1:04 PM
Stanford GaryI-Middle-Site 007.jpg
I-Middle-Site 007
640 x 47947 KB FPCSMALL_FPC2972/7/2011 1:04 PM
Stanford GaryI-Middle-Site 008.jpg
I-Middle-Site 008
640 x 47951 KB FPCSMALL_FPC29712/8/2010 9:20 AM
Stanford GaryI-Middle-Site 010.jpg
I-Middle-Site 010
640 x 47943 KB FPCSMALL_FPC29712/8/2010 9:20 AM
Area to be Improved, Benches, pavers, treesStanford GaryI-Middle-Site 015.jpg
I-Middle-Site 015
640 x 47944 KB 91880001_CONST6/21/2011 2:50 PM
Area to be ImprovedStanford GaryI-Middle-Site 016.jpg
I-Middle-Site 016
640 x 47947 KB 91880001_CONST6/21/2011 2:50 PM
CPMA Art Room to be remodeledStanford GaryCPMA-304 003.jpg
CPMA-304 003
640 x 47950 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
CPMA Art Room to be remodeledStanford GaryCPMA-304 007.jpg
CPMA-304 007
640 x 47957 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Room to be remodeledStanford GaryCPMA311 002.jpg
CPMA311 002
640 x 47969 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Dance Studio to be enlargedStanford GaryCPMA-402 001.jpg
CPMA-402 001
640 x 47948 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Band Room to be remodeledStanford GaryCPMA-504 003.jpg
CPMA-504 003
640 x 47954 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Band Room to be remodeledStanford GaryCPMA-506 005.jpg
CPMA-506 005
640 x 47946 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Band Room to be remodeledStanford GaryCPMA-506 008.jpg
CPMA-506 008
640 x 47965 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Drama Room to be remodeledStanford GaryCPMA-508 001.jpg
CPMA-508 001
640 x 47977 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Costume StorageStanford GaryCPMA-508 002.jpg
CPMA-508 002
640 x 47970 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Room to Be remodeled as Dance StudioStanford GaryCPMA-800 02.jpg
CPMA-800 02
640 x 47949 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Future Location of new P.E. Activity RoomStanford GaryCPMA-800 07.jpg
CPMA-800 07
640 x 47940 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
P.E. Locker Room to be remodeledStanford GaryCPMA-800 14.jpg
CPMA-800 14
640 x 47952 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Campus Front to be RenovatedStanford GaryCPMA-Site 004.jpg
CPMA-Site 004
640 x 47953 KB FPC307_CONST2010/5/2010 11:19 AM
New On-Site Bus Loading Drive Stanford GaryCPM_Kroc 001.jpg
CPM_Kroc 001
640 x 47952 KB FPC307_CONSTM110/5/2010 11:19 AM
Newly Remodeled Boys RestroomStanford GaryCPMA-400 Rstrm 1.jpg
CPMA-400 Rstrm 1
640 x 47959 KB FPC307_CONSTM110/5/2010 11:19 AM
New Dance StudioStanford GaryCPMA-402 002.jpg
CPMA-402 002
640 x 47953 KB FPC307_CONSTM110/5/2010 11:19 AM
New Parking LotStanford GaryCPMA-Site 011.jpg
CPMA-Site 011
640 x 47947 KB FPC307_CONSTM110/5/2010 11:19 AM
New On-Site Bus Loading Zone and Parking LotStanford GaryKROC On-site Bus Loading.jpg
KROC On-site Bus Loading
640 x 12026 KB FPC307_CONSTM110/5/2010 11:19 AM
Fulton SChoolStanford GaryfultonES[1].jpg
480 x 31932 KB FPC119_CONST1010/5/2010 11:19 AM
Jackson Portables with Roof Photovoltaic PanelsStanford GaryJackson Portables with Roof Photovoltaic Panels.jpg
Jackson Portables with Roof Photovoltaic Panels
640 x 48038 KB STAR_CONST10/5/2010 11:19 AM
Jackson - Existing PortablesStanford GaryJackson Portables.jpg
Jackson Portables
640 x 48050 KB STAR_CONST10/5/2010 11:19 AM
Jackson - Existing PortablesStanford GaryJackson Portables 2.jpg
Jackson Portables 2
640 x 48047 KB STAR_CONST10/5/2010 11:19 AM
Jackson/Ifton EntranceStanford GaryJackson_Iftin Site Overview.jpg
Jackson_Iftin Site Overview
640 x 48061 KB STAR_CONST10/5/2010 11:19 AM
Lincoln HSWebb BrianLincoln HS - Imperial Ave Entrance.jpg
Lincoln HS - Imperial Ave Entrance
640 x 48058 KB FPCSMALL.PMO47112FPCSMALL_X2-12706/7/2017 2:29 PM
Auditorium - Stair to stageStanford GaryMarston Auditorium - Stair to Stage.jpg
Marston Auditorium - Stair to Stage
640 x 48048 KB R0001_CONSTB110/5/2010 11:19 AM
Auditorium FrontStanford GaryMarston Auditorium Front Entrance.jpg
Marston Auditorium Front Entrance
640 x 48051 KB R0001_CONSTB110/5/2010 11:19 AM
Auditorium - Existing seatsStanford GaryMarston Auditorium House from Stage.jpg
Marston Auditorium House from Stage
640 x 48044 KB R0001_CONSTB110/5/2010 11:19 AM
Auditorium HouseStanford GaryMarston Auditorium House.jpg
Marston Auditorium House
640 x 48047 KB R0001_CONSTB110/5/2010 11:19 AM
Marston MS - School FrontStanford GaryMarston MS.jpg
Marston MS
640 x 48052 KB R0001_CONSTB110/5/2010 11:19 AM
Lincoln HSWebb BrianLincoln HS OCR.jpg
Lincoln HS OCR
640 x 48058 KB FPCSMALL.PMO53FPCSMALL_FPC001466/7/2017 2:29 PM
Rear Exhaust Stack VentsStanford GaryGarfield High Culinary Remodel.jpg
Garfield High Culinary Remodel
640 x 42760 KB CTE005_CONST10/5/2010 11:19 AM
Garfield High Culinary Arts Remodel and Shade ShelterMorris RobertBeverage Station.jpg
Beverage Station
640 x 42757 KB CTE005_CONST4/12/2010 4:42 PM
Garfield High Culinary Arts Remodel & Shade ShelterMorris Robertconcrete access ramp.jpg
concrete access ramp
640 x 42779 KB CTE005_CONST4/12/2010 4:42 PM
Garfield High Culinary Arts Remodel and Shade ShelterMorris Robertstate of the art kitchen equipment.jpg
state of the art kitchen equipment
640 x 42773 KB CTE005_CONST4/12/2010 4:42 PM
Garfield High Culinary Arts Remodel and Shade ShelterStanford GaryCulinary Arts Organic Garden.jpg
Culinary Arts Organic Garden
640 x 42786 KB CTE005_CONST10/5/2010 11:19 AM
Garfield Culinary Arts Remodel and Shade ShelterMorris RobertShade Shelter.jpg
Shade Shelter
640 x 42778 KB CTE005_CONST4/12/2010 4:42 PM
Ross ES, Office window to be remodeled to provide doorway.Webb BrianRoss Elem, 01.JPG
Ross Elem, 01
1600 x 1200623 KB FPCSMALL.PMO84FPCSMALL_FPC001326/7/2017 2:29 PM
Old Baseball FieldWebb BrianOld Baseball Field.jpg
Old Baseball Field
640 x 48075 KB FS009.2FS009_CONSTBob Higdon6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Old Football FieldWebb BrianOld Football Field.jpg
Old Football Field
640 x 48065 KB FS009.2FS009_CONSTBob Higdon6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Old Softball FieldWebb BrianOld Softball Field.jpg
Old Softball Field
640 x 48068 KB FS009.2FS009_CONSTBob Higdon6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Home/Visitor BleachersWebb BrianOld Bleachers.jpg
Old Bleachers
640 x 48050 KB FS009.2FS009_CONSTBob Higdon6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Phase #1 Home BleachersWebb BrianPhase 1 Home Bleachers.jpg
Phase 1 Home Bleachers
640 x 48049 KB FS009.2FS009_CONSTBob Higdon6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Phase #1, Home Side RestroomsWebb BrianPhase 1 Home Restroom Buildings.jpg
Phase 1 Home Restroom Buildings
640 x 48054 KB FS009.2FS009_CONSTBob Higdon6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Old Baseball DugoutsWebb BrianOld Baseball Dugouts.jpg
Old Baseball Dugouts
640 x 48071 KB FS009.2FS009_CONSTBob Higdon6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Bldg #2, Remodel Restroom doors (Boy & Girls)Webb BrianBay Park Remodel restroom doors.jpg
Bay Park Remodel restroom doors
640 x 36037 KB FPCSMALL.PMO1FPCSMALL_FPC001306/7/2017 2:30 PM
Bldg #7, Remodel restroom doors (Boys & Girls)Webb BrianBay Park, Remodel restroom doors.jpg
Bay Park, Remodel restroom doors
640 x 36037 KB FPCSMALL.PMO1FPCSMALL_FPC001306/7/2017 2:30 PM
Before image of old vehicle rampWebb BrianMuirlands field ramp 016.jpg
Muirlands field ramp 016
640 x 48064 KB FS007B.1FS007B_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Pouring rampWebb BrianMuirlands field ramp 002.jpg
Muirlands field ramp 002
640 x 480121 KB FS007B.1FS007B_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
concrete finish workWebb BrianMuirlands field ramp 004.jpg
Muirlands field ramp 004
640 x 480104 KB FS007B.1FS007B_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
New warning surface in parking lotWebb BrianMuirlands field ramp 007.jpg
Muirlands field ramp 007
640 x 48089 KB FS007B.1FS007B_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
New stabilized decomposed graniteWebb BrianMuirlands field ramp 009.jpg
Muirlands field ramp 009
640 x 480104 KB FS007B.1FS007B_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Proposed New Auto Facility w/ Photos of Old Auto ShopWebb BrianProposed Elevations and Old Auto Shop.jpg
Proposed Elevations and Old Auto Shop
640 x 41446 KB CTE003.1CTE003_CONSTBob Higdon6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Site Plan of Proposed New Auto FacilityWebb BrianProposed Site Plan.jpg
Proposed Site Plan
640 x 41449 KB CTE003.1CTE003_CONSTBob Higdon6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Completed rampWebb BrianMuirlands field ramp 013.jpg
Muirlands field ramp 013
640 x 480108 KB FS007B.1FS007B_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
New Slab at Auto Facility Exterior YardWebb BrianConstruction.jpg
1600 x 1200386 KB CTE003.1CTE003_CONSTBob Higdon6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Audubon K-8, New Physical Education Changing Room Genoza RigorAudubon K-8,  01.jpg
Audubon K-8, 01
640 x 48047 KB FPC009_CONST4/15/2010 2:54 PM
Audubon K-8, New work roomGenoza RigorAudubon K-8,  02.jpg
Audubon K-8, 02
640 x 48041 KB FPC009_CONST4/15/2010 2:54 PM
Audubon K-8, New Science room laboratory sinksGenoza RigorAudubon K-8,  03.jpg
Audubon K-8, 03
640 x 48042 KB FPC009_CONST4/15/2010 2:54 PM
Audubon K-8, New Science Room's Teachers stationGenoza RigorAudubon K-8,  04.jpg
Audubon K-8, 04
640 x 48048 KB FPC009_CONST4/15/2010 2:54 PM
Audubon K-8, New Science ClassroomGenoza RigorAudubon K-8,  09.jpg
Audubon K-8, 09
640 x 48056 KB FPC009_CONST4/15/2010 2:54 PM
Audubon K-8, New Basketball/Volleyball court in new asphalt pavingGenoza RigorAudubon K-8,  05.jpg
Audubon K-8, 05
640 x 48045 KB FPC009_CONST4/15/2010 2:54 PM
Audubon K-8, New asphalt paving Mini K-8 campusGenoza RigorAudubon K-8,  06.jpg
Audubon K-8, 06
640 x 48036 KB FPC009_CONST4/15/2010 2:54 PM
Audubon K-8, New Science/Work Room/Music Room & RestroomGenoza RigorAudubon K-8,  07.jpg
Audubon K-8, 07
640 x 48041 KB FPC009_CONST4/15/2010 2:54 PM
Audubon K-8, New asphalt paving and portable classroomsGenoza RigorAudubon K-8,  08.jpg
Audubon K-8, 08
640 x 48042 KB FPC009_CONST4/15/2010 2:54 PM
Portable classroom demolitionWebb Brian100_0445.jpg
3472 x 26041915 KB FS011.2FS011_CONSTFrancisco Campuzano6/8/2017 8:11 AM
Bus Turn Around area grading.Webb BrianSDH--2010-04--- 044.jpg
SDH--2010-04--- 044
640 x 48054 KB FS011.2FS011_CONSTFrancisco Campuzano6/8/2017 8:11 AM
Stairs and ramp in bus turn around areaWebb BrianSDH--2010-04--- 045.jpg
SDH--2010-04--- 045
640 x 48078 KB FS011.2FS011_CONSTFrancisco Campuzano6/8/2017 8:11 AM
Schematic DesignWebb Brian01.28.10 NEW SCHEME 2 - low res.jpg
01.28.10 NEW SCHEME 2 - low res
2399 x 3599790 KB 0255.10255_CONST106/8/2017 8:11 AM
Doors into new classrooms and area of new folding partition at ceilingWebb BrianSDHS CCTE BM4.jpg
640 x 48066 KB CTE013.1CTE013_CONSTJulie Katsapis6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Sawcut of concrete floor for new electricalWebb BrianSDHS CCTE BM1.jpg
640 x 48055 KB CTE013.1CTE013_CONSTJulie Katsapis6/7/2017 2:30 PM
framing of new 1 hr. corridorWebb BrianSDHS CCTE BM2.jpg
640 x 48066 KB CTE013.1CTE013_CONSTJulie Katsapis6/7/2017 2:30 PM
New classroom walls being builtWebb BrianSDHS CCTE BM3.jpg
640 x 48070 KB CTE013.1CTE013_CONSTJulie Katsapis6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Structural steel for new Student Store facadeWebb BrianSDHS CCTE BM5.jpg
480 x 64069 KB CTE013.1CTE013_CONSTJulie Katsapis6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Bethune, New K-8 Classrooms Genoza RigorBethune K-8, 01.jpg
Bethune K-8, 01
640 x 48048 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:06 PM
Bethune K-8, New Classrooms and drinking fountainGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 02.jpg
Bethune K-8, 02
640 x 48057 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:07 PM
Bethune K-8, New Science & Music ClassroomsGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 03.jpg
Bethune K-8, 03
640 x 48041 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:08 PM
Bethune ES, New Portable ClassroomsGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 04.jpg
Bethune K-8, 04
640 x 48043 KB FPC123_CONSTRigor Genoza11/22/2013 4:16 PM
Bethune K-8, New RestroomsGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 05.jpg
Bethune K-8, 05
640 x 48049 KB FPC123_CONSTRigor Genoza11/22/2013 4:26 PM
Bethune K-8, New Science ClassroomGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 06.jpg
Bethune K-8, 06
640 x 48056 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 5:22 PM
Bethune K-8, New Science Classroom's Teacher StationGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 07.jpg
Bethune K-8, 07
640 x 48054 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 5:21 PM
Bethune K-8, New Work Room for Science and Music ClassroomGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 08.jpg
Bethune K-8, 08
640 x 48043 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:11 PM
Bethune K-8, New Music ClassroomGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 09.jpg
Bethune K-8, 09
640 x 48053 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:13 PM
Bethune K-8, New Music Classroom Genoza RigorBethune K-8, 10.jpg
Bethune K-8, 10
640 x 48062 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:14 PM
Bethune K-8, New Physical Education Changing RoomGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 11.jpg
Bethune K-8, 11
640 x 48051 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:16 PM
Bethune, New Gate w/ Panic hardware in bus loading/unloadingGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 12.jpg
Bethune K-8, 12
640 x 48092 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:19 PM
Bethune, Before K-8 ImprovementsGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 13.jpg
Bethune K-8, 13
640 x 36048 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:42 PM
Bethune, Before K-8 ImprovementsGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 14.jpg
Bethune K-8, 14
640 x 36058 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:38 PM
Bethune, Bike racks removal before improvementsGenoza RigorBethune K-8, 15.jpg
Bethune K-8, 15
640 x 36040 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:42 PM
Bethune, Removed bike racks Genoza RigorBethune K-8, 16.jpg
Bethune K-8, 16
640 x 48040 KB FPC123_CONST4/15/2010 3:44 PM
Logan K-8, Room to be remodeledGenoza RigorLogan K-8, 08.jpg
Logan K-8, 08
640 x 36054 KB FPC177a_CONST4/15/2010 4:22 PM
Logan K-8, Room to be remodeledGenoza RigorLogan K-8, 07.jpg
Logan K-8, 07
640 x 36054 KB FPC177a_CONST4/15/2010 4:24 PM
Logan, Proposed location of New Child Dev. Center ClassroomsGenoza RigorLogan K-8, 02.jpg
Logan K-8, 02
640 x 48044 KB FPC177a_CONST4/15/2010 4:20 PM
Logan K-8, Proposed location of K-8 RestroomsGenoza RigorLogan K-8, 05.jpg
Logan K-8, 05
640 x 48053 KB FPC177a_CONST4/15/2010 4:12 PM
Logan K-8, Proposed location of Science & Music ClassroomsGenoza RigorLogan K-8, 03.jpg
Logan K-8, 03
640 x 48043 KB FPC177a_CONST4/15/2010 4:19 PM
Logan K-8, Relocatable Classrooms to be remodeledGenoza RigorLogan K-8, 06.jpg
Logan K-8, 06
640 x 48050 KB FPC177a_CONST4/15/2010 4:24 PM
Logan K-8, Proposed location of Physical Education Changing RoomGenoza RigorLogan K-8, 04.jpg
Logan K-8, 04
640 x 48058 KB FPC177a_CONST4/15/2010 4:23 PM
Logan, Child Dev. Center Portable Classrooms to be demolishedGenoza RigorLogan K-8, 01.jpg
Logan K-8, 01
640 x 48043 KB FPC177a_CONST4/15/2010 4:19 PM
Perkins K-8, New Modular K-8 Classrooms and asphalt pavingGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 01.jpg
Perkins K-8, 01
640 x 48041 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 4:59 PM
Perkins K-8, New Modular Classrooms and asphalt pavingGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 02.jpg
Perkins K-8, 02
640 x 48048 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:02 PM
Perkins K-8, New Restrooms, Science & Music ClassroomsGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 03.jpg
Perkins K-8, 03
640 x 48044 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:04 PM
Perkins K-8, New Science ClassroomGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 04.jpg
Perkins K-8, 04
640 x 48057 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:05 PM
Perkins K-8, New Science ClassroomGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 05.jpg
Perkins K-8, 05
640 x 48050 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:06 PM
Perkins K-8, New Science Classroom's Teacher StationGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 06.jpg
Perkins K-8, 06
640 x 48051 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:07 PM
Perkins K-8, New Science & Music work roomGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 07.jpg
Perkins K-8, 07
640 x 48065 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:08 PM
Perkins K-8, New Music ClassroomGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 08.jpg
Perkins K-8, 08
640 x 48059 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:09 PM
Perkins K-8, New Physical Education Changing Room Genoza RigorPerkins K-8, 09.jpg
Perkins K-8, 09
640 x 48047 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:10 PM
Perkins K-8, New Remodeled Modular Classroom's CabinetGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 10.jpg
Perkins K-8, 10
640 x 48060 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:11 PM
Perkins K-8, New Restrooms and Asphalt Paving Genoza RigorPerkins K-8, 11.jpg
Perkins K-8, 11
640 x 48045 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:13 PM
Perkins K-8, Before ImprovementsGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 12.jpg
Perkins K-8, 12
640 x 48054 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:14 PM
Perkins K-8, Before ImprovementsGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 13.jpg
Perkins K-8, 13
640 x 36048 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:16 PM
Perkins K-8, Before Improvements / Demolished Old ClassroomsGenoza RigorPerkins K-8, 14.jpg
Perkins K-8, 14
640 x 36037 KB FPC185_CONST4/15/2010 5:17 PM
SCPA: Heating/Ventilation & Air Condition System UpgradeGenoza RigorSCPA-HVAC, 01.jpg
640 x 48061 KB FPCSMALL_FPC000264/23/2010 3:10 PM
SCPA: Heating/Ventilation & Air Condition System UpgradeGenoza RigorSCPA-HVAC, 02.jpg
640 x 48051 KB FPCSMALL_FPC000264/23/2010 3:09 PM
SCPA: Heating/Ventilation & Air Condition System UpgradeGenoza RigorSCPA-HVAC, 03.jpg
640 x 48060 KB FPCSMALL_FPC000264/23/2010 3:12 PM
SCPA: Heating/Ventilation & Air Condiion System UpgradeGenoza RigorSCPA-HVAC, 04.jpg
640 x 48062 KB FPCSMALL_FPC000264/23/2010 3:14 PM
SCPA: Heating/Ventilation & Air Condition System Upgrade Genoza RigorSCPA-HVAC, 05.jpg
640 x 48063 KB FPCSMALL_FPC000264/23/2010 3:16 PM
SPCA: Heating/Ventilation & Air Condition System UpgradeGenoza RigorSCPA-HVAC, 06.jpg
640 x 48053 KB FPCSMALL_FPC000264/23/2010 3:18 PM
Revere Ctr: Heating/Ventilation & Air Condition System Upgrade Genoza RigorRevere-HVAC, 01.jpg
Revere-HVAC, 01
640 x 48075 KB FPCSMALL_FPC001274/23/2010 4:03 PM
Revere Ctr: Heating/Ventilation & Air Condition System UpgradeGenoza RigorRevere-HVAC, 02.jpg
Revere-HVAC, 02
640 x 48056 KB FPCSMALL_FPC001274/23/2010 4:07 PM
Revere Ctr: Heating/Ventilation & Air Condition System UpgradeGenoza RigorRevere-HVAC, 03.jpg
Revere-HVAC, 03
640 x 48057 KB FPCSMALL_FPC001274/23/2010 4:05 PM
Revere Ctr: Heating/ventilation & Air Condition System UpgradeGenoza RigorRevere-HVAC, 04.jpg
Revere-HVAC, 04
640 x 48051 KB FPCSMALL_FPC001274/23/2010 4:08 PM
Revere Ctr: Heating/Ventilation & Air Condition System UpgradeGenoza RigorRevere-HVAC, 05.jpg
Revere-HVAC, 05
640 x 48066 KB FPCSMALL_FPC001274/23/2010 4:09 PM
Mission Bay H.S. Student StoreWebb BrianOutside Seating.jpg
Outside Seating
640 x 48050 KB CTE004.1CTE004_CONST806/7/2017 2:30 PM
Mission Bay H.S. Student StoreWebb BrianInterior View.jpg
Interior View
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Mission Bay H.S. Student StoreWebb BrianStore Front Windows.jpg
Store Front Windows
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Mission Bay H.S. Student StoreWebb BrianPoint-Of-Sale Stations.jpg
Point-Of-Sale Stations
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Mission Bay H.S. Student StoreWebb BrianBUC CAFE AND STORE.jpg
640 x 42752 KB CTE004.1CTE004_CONST806/7/2017 2:30 PM
Rendering 1Webb BrianSRHS Sustainable Technoloogies Bldg-1.jpg
SRHS Sustainable Technoloogies Bldg-1
640 x 41460 KB CTE008.1CTE008_CONSTTBD6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Roof Plan 01Webb BrianSRHS Sustainable Technoloogies Bldg-2.jpg
SRHS Sustainable Technoloogies Bldg-2
640 x 41449 KB CTE008.1CTE008_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Site PlanWebb BrianCPMA Phase I-II site plans_Page_1.jpg
CPMA Phase I-II site plans_Page_1
640 x 44464 KB FPC307.3FPC307_CONST30Dave Koepcke6/8/2017 8:27 AM
Campus Master PlanWebb BrianCPMA Phase I-II site plans_Page_2.jpg
CPMA Phase I-II site plans_Page_2
640 x 42750 KB FPC307.3FPC307_CONST30Dave Koepcke6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Stub outs for new plumbingWebb BrianSDHS-Culinary 001.jpg
SDHS-Culinary 001
640 x 48069 KB CTE015.1CTE015_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
sawcutting of slab for new utilitesWebb BrianSDHS-Culinary 003.JPG
SDHS-Culinary 003
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sawcut slab repoured and checked for levelingWebb BrianSDHS-Culinary 004.jpg
SDHS-Culinary 004
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before picture of former food labWebb BrianSDHS-Culinary 005.jpg
SDHS-Culinary 005
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Before picture of former salad barWebb BrianSDHS-Culinary 006.jpg
SDHS-Culinary 006
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framing of new food lineWebb BrianSDHS-Culinary 007.jpg
SDHS-Culinary 007
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Framing ceilingWebb BrianSDHS-Culinary 008.jpg
SDHS-Culinary 008
640 x 48081 KB CTE015.1CTE015_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Point Loma HS 2-story 8 classroom bldg.-ElevationsWebb Briansdusd-PointLoma_Elevation.jpg
640 x 45726 KB FS012.1FS012_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Point Loma HS 2-story 8 classroom bldg.-Floor PlanWebb Briansdusd-PointLoma_FP.jpg
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Point Loma HS 2-story 8 classroom bldg.-Site PlanWebb Briansdusd-PointLoma-SITEPLAN.jpg
640 x 45758 KB FS012.1FS012_CONST6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Point Loma HS Motion Picture Industries-bldg. 900 North Elev.Webb Brianpoint loma MPI colored elevation.jpg
point loma MPI colored elevation
640 x 41425 KB CTE012.1CTE012_CONSTLynn Roxas6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Point Loma HS Motion Picture Industries-bldg. 900 Floor PlanWebb Brianpoint loma MPI colored plan.jpg
point loma MPI colored plan
640 x 42756 KB CTE012.1CTE012_CONSTLynn Roxas6/7/2017 2:30 PM
Existing Bldg2 roofWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg bldg2 roof.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg bldg2 roof
640 x 48091 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:13 PM
Existing Bldg2 roofdrainWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg bldg2 roofdrain.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg bldg2 roofdrain
640 x 48054 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:14 PM
Existing Bldg2 roofviewWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg bldg2 roofview.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg bldg2 roofview
640 x 48077 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:13 PM
Existing Bldg4 roofdrainWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg bldg4 roofdrains.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg bldg4 roofdrains
480 x 64069 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:14 PM
Existing Bldg5 roofdrainWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg bldg5 roofdrain planters.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg bldg5 roofdrain planters
640 x 48091 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:14 PM
Existing kindergarten roofdrainWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg kindergarten bldg roofdrain.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg kindergarten bldg roofdrain
640 x 48048 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:14 PM
Existing kindergarten roofWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg kindergarten roof.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg kindergarten roof
640 x 48073 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:14 PM
Existing library roofdrainWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg library roofdrain.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg library roofdrain
640 x 48050 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:15 PM
Existing gas lines to be relocatedWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg lines 2b relocated.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg lines 2b relocated
640 x 48074 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:15 PM
Existing lunchcourt shelter area roofdrainsWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg lunchcourt shelter roofdrains.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg lunchcourt shelter roofdrains
640 x 48053 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:15 PM
Existing parkside stormdrainWebb BrianAngier re-roofing exstg parkside stormdrain.jpg
Angier re-roofing exstg parkside stormdrain
640 x 48091 KB AP007_CONST6/10/2011 12:15 PM
Existing wall, left sideWebb BrianBell climbing wall exstg left side.jpg
Bell climbing wall exstg left side
640 x 48038 KB FPCSMALL.PMO5FPCSMALL_FPC001546/7/2017 2:30 PM
Existing wall, existing equipment detailWebb BrianBell climbing wall exstg PE equip detail.jpg
Bell climbing wall exstg PE equip detail
640 x 48041 KB FPCSMALL.PMO5FPCSMALL_FPC001546/7/2017 2:30 PM
Existing wall, detail existing wiringWebb BrianBell climbing wall exstg PE equip wiring box.jpg
Bell climbing wall exstg PE equip wiring box
640 x 48049 KB FPCSMALL.PMO5FPCSMALL_FPC001546/7/2017 2:30 PM
Existing wall, existing PE equipmentWebb BrianBell climbing wall exstg PE equip.jpg
Bell climbing wall exstg PE equip
640 x 48048 KB FPCSMALL.PMO5FPCSMALL_FPC001546/7/2017 2:30 PM
Existing wall, right sideWebb BrianBell climbing wall exstg right side.jpg
Bell climbing wall exstg right side
640 x 48046 KB FPCSMALL.PMO5FPCSMALL_FPC001546/7/2017 2:30 PM
Existing room and wall behind with wiringWebb BrianBell climbing wall exstg room behind.jpg
Bell climbing wall exstg room behind
640 x 48035 KB FPCSMALL.PMO5FPCSMALL_FPC001546/7/2017 2:30 PM
Existing roof, existing wiringPenn DouglasGrantville, exstg roof, exstg wiring.jpg
Grantville, exstg roof, exstg wiring
640 x 480101 KB 91290001_CONST5/3/2010 3:16 PM
Existing roof 1Penn DouglasGrantville, exstg roof1.jpg
Grantville, exstg roof1
640 x 480102 KB 91290001_CONST5/3/2010 3:16 PM
Existing roof 2Penn DouglasGrantville, exstg roof2.jpg
Grantville, exstg roof2
640 x 480106 KB 91290001_CONST5/3/2010 3:17 PM
Existing roof 3Penn DouglasGrantville, exstg roof3.jpg
Grantville, exstg roof3
640 x 48099 KB 91290001_CONST5/3/2010 3:17 PM
Existing roof 4Penn DouglasGrantville, exstg roof4.jpg
Grantville, exstg roof4
640 x 48064 KB 91290001_CONST5/3/2010 3:17 PM
Existing roof 5Penn DouglasGrantville, exstg roof5.jpg
Grantville, exstg roof5
640 x 48081 KB 91290001_CONST5/3/2010 3:18 PM
Existing roof 6Penn DouglasGrantville, exstg roof6.jpg
Grantville, exstg roof6
640 x 48081 KB 91290001_CONST5/3/2010 3:18 PM
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